
Friday, May 15, 2015

Ever Sincere

I have a small test tomorrow morning at 9am. I haven't started studying yet. Lol God knows where my confidence comes from haha.

 Just now after I took my shower, I came out of the bathroom like usual and started drying my hair. Strangely, I started talking to myself. Usually the voice remains in my head but this time, I just talked like I was talking to a person for real while it was empty in the room.

As creepy as it may sound, it led me to an ever sincere prayer to God. After so long.

With tears rolling in my eyes, with a brokenhearted, and a confused mind, I talked to God.

I'm sure He heard me. I'm sure He did. Aite back to my notes. Ciao. (:
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Friday, May 1, 2015



It's Labor Day and it's Friday. Sunday's Wesak, therefore Monday's a holiday. Tuesday has no class, so to conclude, I'm having a 5-day-rest HOOORAY!

However I'm facing a dilemma.

I'm soo excited to be home since I haven't been spending enough time with my family. Also like I said since I have a 5-day-rest, I thought i should start on some project to polish my skill before it rots. Yeah I can always do it at home while being there for my family BUT, my pc is in Cyber and everything I need for my project is all here AANND it's almost impossible for me to bring everything back home.

lol yeah.
I'm done ranting.
 I chose family over my skills.
I'm heading home later leaving all my gadgets here kthxbai.

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