
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

(18/11/2015) 2nd year already ._.

Guess how time never fails to wake me from my sleep?

I'm already in my year 2 now.

I really wish I had the time to store my memories here in this blog each time a semester ends. Funny how I always seem like the only one appreciating the moments most of the time. I'm tired of hearing question like 'why do you have to capture this?' Why? because I know when I look back at that particular picture a few years later it would mean so much to me :) Hehe.

I'm glad that me and my housemates are getting along pretty well. It's about 8 months living under the same roof with them, even after a month of break, everything still resumes the way it was. Housemates, Roommates, Coursemates, Groupmates, God always gives us perfect arrangement!

My result for my the previous semester (1st year 3rd sem) was out a week ago. I'm quite satisfied, considering both my major got A+ and A-, and the rest of the subjects with 2 As and 2 miserable Bs. Little bit more to reach First Class Honor, that means I must jiayou this sem liao!

Speaking of that, rumor says that there will be no more exemption of repayment for ptptn even if we graduated as FCH. I've checked various sources and they all said otherwise. Regardless, Imma score as good as I can, even thou the cancellation of exemption will only demotivate me.

Last semester was hell to me, but I kind of enjoyed being in it. Or maybe I should just say it was a tough test in Heaven. :p I lost count on those sleepless nights and days with only 1 - 2 meals. Oh and not forgetting the maggiss I consumed. I feel sad for my body :( People have been telling me that I've lost weight and looked more 憔悴 and what not.

Well now I'm still in my first week of semester, I'm trying my utmost best to sleep enough, eat enough and exercise enough. Yes before the hard times come. I want to gain weight as badly as you want to pet a kitty (HAHA). But I'm serious, more than ever.

Right now I'm trying to get myself exposed to as much of things as I can, at the same time I can't help it to realize how tiny and limited I am. Thanks to the boyfriend for always pouring information to me. He may not be always right but his eagerness to learn always motivates me. Without him I would have nobody else to always push me forward. (why does this sound like a dedication post suddenly lol) Well thou sometimes I really feel like punching him in the face haha but he really is treasure to me.

Kay gotta run. Class soon. It's AFX3 later.

Till next time! :)


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