
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

(21/10/2015) Sem Break!

Life's getting exciting!

I've been singing for weddings with my partner.
I've been doing good in my major classes.
My first year in MMU as a degree student has just ended.
I've made it into Fresh Bottle performance team.
I've been recognized for my talent.
I just had my glasses changed.
I've been earning my own pocket money.
I've been handling group assignments pretty well.
I've been making new friends.
I've been trying out new experience like emcee-ing for events.
I had my first promoter job few days back and it went smoothly.
I've been complimented by my leader for my capability at work.
I've been building good names among my lecturers.

Only thing is that,

I've been losing weight.
I've been sleeping very little since the past months.
I've not been coming back to Seremban.
I've not been exercising.
I've not been drinking alot of water but coffee instead.
I've not been hanging out with my high school gang.
I've not been eating healthy.
I've not been taking good care of my face.
I've not been practicing my drawing.
I've not been managing my time well enough.
I've not been getting updates of the news.
I've not been resting.
I've not been reading.

Sem break has just started,

I'm going to do some covers as requested.
I'm going to practice what I've been learning in class.
I'm going to prepare for my sister's wedding.
I'm going to spend time with my family.
I'm going to catch up with old friends in Seremban.
I'm going to practice guitar fingering.
I'm going to update blog as much as I could.
I'm going to tidy up my desktop and manage my folders.
I'm going to avoid spending money.
I'm going to bake some cakes or pies.
I'm going to exercise.
I'm going to watch good movies that have been stored in my hard disk for ages.
I'm going to get myself ready for year 2.
I'm going to get closer to God.
I'm going to upgrade myself.
I'm going to broaden my knowledge in as many areas as I can.
I'm going to do some video editing.

I have 3 weeks break,

Time waits for no man.
Life is so packed with so many activities,
yet I am always reminded of God's grace and presence.
For whatever I do,
I know He is watching over me.
For everything that I achieved,
I give all glory to Him.

I know I will never get to complete my task-list for this time,
but I will make sure I'm a better person when the break ends.


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